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Starch and starch derivatives
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Starch and starch derivatives


Zeppelin offers automated material flow, ingredient storage and ingredient dosing systems for the starch technology sector.

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Starch and starch derivatives

Starch and starch derivatives for flexible use within the food industry

Traditional starch, produced using corn, wheat or potatoes, is used in the food industry to thicken sauces, and in many other applications including cake batters, fruit preparations and confectionery. Additionally, a wide variety of other products and ingredients are also produced from plant-based raw materials such as starch-based sugars (e.g. glucose syrup). Depending on the processing method used, these products have specific properties that are of particular benefit to food manufacturers producing infant foods, energy foods for sport, baked goods and confectionery, convenience and frozen foods and drinks. They add volume, keep products soft, improve consistency and shelf life, maintain a glossy appearance and reduce the tendency of foods to crystallize. Zeppelin offers a process engineering solution for all processing steps that involve the storage, transportation, dosing or treatment of powdered starches or derivatives

For more information on starch click here